The Adventure Based Peer Support Program - Helping 2 Overcome - at Vets Recover is a Proud NAUI (National Association of Underwater Instuctors) Affiliate. As such we proudly offer our MIlitary Members and their familes courses that range from NAUI Try SCUBA all the way to Instructor while adhereing to the major NAUI principles of:

- Loved One Concept

NAUI’s training is rooted in the premise of “Would I allow this person to teach or dive with someone I love?” So, whether it’s a NAUI Instructor or a NAUI Diver you know that their training is designed around the safety of your most valuable asset – your loved one.

- Academic Freedom

The high standards and expert knowledge required of all NAUI Instructors allows them the flexibility to develop training programs to meet the needs of their students. NAUI courses aren’t “cookie-cutter", or designed to follow a rigid academic and skills outline, they are tailored, innovative, entertaining and fun.

- Safety Focused

From NAUI’s alliance with Divers Alert Network (DAN), to its standards that provide some form of rescue training at every certification level, NAUI is committed to developing safe, knowledgeable and skilled divers.

- Where Leaders Dive

With NAUI you are trained to plan, develop, organize and lead your own dives from your very first course. There are no stipulations or caveats with NAUI certifications. Your training will provide you with the confidence, skills, knowledge and ability to independently dive with your dive buddy anywhere in the world.

Helping 2 Ovecome Staff, Instuctor, and Dive Master Pledge

Our Pledge to you and yoru family is simple: We will always strive to uphold these concepts to the highest standard, ensuring your safety in all training enviroments and course, to always treat each students as we would our own "loved ones" ensuring their safety and care, and to build our courses using the academic freedom allowed to us to sure an innovative and entertaining course and experience. 

Course Details:

Upon enrollment, participants will be contacted by an H2O staff member to answer any questions and address any concerns. Participants will be issued NAUI eLearning course codes that must be completed prior to taking part in any in-water portions of the course.


Once ALL NAUI eLearning has been completed participants will then be contacted by an H2O Staff Member / Instructor to schedule any in-water portions that may be required for each enrolled course.


Course Pricing

Prices shown on each listed course are for Military Members (Active Duty, Reservists, and Veterans) and their Dependent Family Members (Spouse, Dependent Children). Prior to enrollment all participants will be required to show proof of status such as: Course prices are offset by Vets Recovery using our Vets Recover Scuba Scholarship. The full price of courses can be found HERE


  • Copy of DD 214
  • Military ID Card
  • Dependent ID Card
  • Veterans ID Card (From Department of Veteran Affairs)


NAUI VA PROGRAM GI BILL®: Helping 2 Overcome is a program of Vets Recover in Mobile AL. Vets Recover is a 501(c)3 dedicated to serving Military Members and their Families. As such, the H2O program requires all Military Members (Active, Reserve, Veteran) that are eligible to use their GI BILL® benefits to do so when taking courses. This requirement is set so that funds can remain available for those that are not eligible may continue to take part in our programs. You can learn more abou tthe advantages of using your GI BILL® benefits or to learn how to check your benefits by visiting HERE!

